Children’s Behavioral Health Success Story

This story comes from our children’s services provided by Children’s Behavioral Health. One of our BHRS clients came to us in elementary school. He had significant behaviors, including aggression, defiance, and  opposition, and was smearing feces at home and at school. The school was considering having the child sent to a more restrictive / alternative educational setting, due to these behaviors. After the Behavior Specialist Consultant was able to conduct several assessments across all settings (home, school and community), it was discovered that many behaviors were originating due to lack of skill set. An example was that the child did not have the appropriate skills to wipe himself after using the bathroom. Therefore, he was smearing the feces on the walls and toilet in an attempt to remove it from his hands. His undesirable behaviors would then escalate when confronted about this, due to embarrassment. When this was discovered, the Behavior Specialist Consultant was able to address it with his parents and use alternative ways to teach the child this skill. With the knowledge that was learned during the assessments, all staff were able to understand the behaviors and focus on teaching this small boy the needed skills to perform these vital tasks. Today, this boy is making progress in his home district and has begun to titrate BHRS services in the school setting.

Raystown Developmental Services Success Story

This consumer experience story highlights the exceptional work of our co-workers in the Raystown Developmental Services Family Services division. This segment of our work force supports children and their families who are currently involved with the Children and Youth system. Example of the services provided include parental education, family reunification, truancy reduction, and transitional living services.


Recently, our Family Services unit received a referral from Children and Youth to provide family reunification services, after a mother gave birth to a child addicted to illegal narcotics. The family was supported through supervised visitation services, parenting education classes, and assistance in linking with other community resources, with the ultimate goal of getting the child returned to their natural home. The staff members supporting this family had a difficult road ahead as one of the parents had a history of domestic violence and illegal drug usage. Thankfully, with the assistance of our staff, the family became more cohesive and supportive of one another and eventually became more receptive to drug treatment services.


Once our staff established rapport with the family, they were able to assist the family in accessing community resources for drug treatment and intensive counseling. The parent was able to obtain a legal prescription for Suboxone to assist in treating the opioid addiction. Soon after being linked with these services the parent began having negative drug tests and ultimately the child was ultimately able to be reunited with their natural family. Through the intensive supports and the proficient ability of the RDS family services staff, the family was able to remain successfully reunited and have their case closed with children and youth services.

The ReDCo Group Success Story

This success story reviews the observations and comments made by the survey team from the Council on Accreditation, commonly referred to as COA, who were visiting us during the early part of December 2017. The survey team visited a large sample of programs operated by The ReDCo Group, including programs in our behavioral health, intellectual disabilities, and workforce investment divisions. During their visits, the survey team engaged in conversation with clients and all levels of our workforce. They also conducted extensive record reviews for each of the programs we operate.


As the onsite visit concluded, senior management staff had an opportunity to participate in an exit interview, during which the observations of the survey team were shared. We would like to share some of these observations with you today. These are in no particular order.


Related to our employee supervision and training programs, the reviewer observed we have a strong system for ensuring proper employee training across all levels of the workforce. Training documentation is well maintained, well organized, and easily accessible. Similarly, our supervision structures are strong and allow ample amounts of time for employees to meet with their supervisors on a regular basis.


Related to our children & youth programs, the reviewer remarked about the excellent community connections our staff provides to the families we support. Our ability to link our families with supports in their community is a key to the success of these services.
Related to our risk management programs, the review team remarked how impressive our surveys are related to HIPAA and record security. Regular ongoing surveys have greatly mitigated the chances for an information breach.


Regarding our crisis residential programs, the review team remarked that the program truly lives up to its name and is a “safe haven” for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis.


The reviewer for our home & community habilitation programs remarked on the longevity of our staff members, with several members supporting individuals in this program for over 20 years. Within our adult day programs, the review team remarked on how nicely the programs were decorated for the holidays, and also how engaging the staff members were with the individuals in each of the programs they visited. The review team also remarked on how impressive the integration of outside support consultants were, such as behavior support and nursing services, within all of the intellectual disabilities programs.


In our workforce programs, the review team noted the dedication and longevity of the staff members, and how the CareerLink programs are truly a one-stop shop for job-seekers and employers.


Within our outpatient mental health programs, the review team commented on the obvious passion each of the staff members has for their work. They also commented on the excellent use and integration of Avatar into the day-to-day operations of the behavioral health programs.


It is with great pride that I share these observations with all of you today. The COA review team’s recognition of the quality of our services in such a vocal manner speaks volumes to the excellence of the employees working for The ReDCo Group.